Auto Bailout Controversy: 'Gotcha' Politics vs Building Trust
In Sunday's Democratic presidential debate, just two days before Michigan's primary takes place, Hillary Clinton dropped a 'gotcha' bomb on Bernie Sanders, saying Sanders "was against the auto...
View ArticleAuto-Bailout Backfire: Does Sanders Have Antidote To Negative Politics?
Politicians and campaign consultants, listen up. There is a lesson to learn from Michigan's Democratic primary upset: Voters are tired of having their intelligence insulted by cynical politicians using...
View ArticleBernie And "Free Trade": The Elites Are Selling It But The Public Is Longer...
"Free trade": The elites are selling it but the public is longer buying it. Look at the support for Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican Donald Trump, especially in light of Sanders' surprise...
View ArticleWhat's The Problem With "Free Trade"?
Our country's "free trade" agreements have followed a framework of trading away our democracy and middle-class prosperity in exchange for letting the biggest corporations dominate.There are those who...
View ArticleFact-Check This: Arrogance Of Elites Helps Drive The Trump Phenomenon
For some time now most of the people in this country have been under economic pressure. Pay is not going up very much or at all, while living costs keep rising. One recent statistic stands out – 63...
View ArticleChamber of Commerce Works To Defeat, Not Implement Its Own Members Preferences
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce claims to be "a business federation representing companies, business associations, state and local chambers in the U.S., and American Chambers of Commerce abroad." They...
View ArticleClinton Should Ask Obama To Withdraw The TPP
Hillary Clinton has a credibility problem when it comes to our country's trade policies and the resulting enormous, humongous trade deficits that measure job loss - especially with regard to the...
View ArticleHillary Must Toughen Up On Trade In Case She Is Nominee Against Trump
Yes, much of Donald Trump's message has a white nationalist and anti-woman character to it. But here is a warning: If Hillary Clinton is going to be the Democratic nominee she had better get tough on...
View ArticleThursday Day Of Action To Support Verizon Workers -- And Each Other
Thursday has been declared a Verizon Strike National Day of Action.There are 39,000 Verizon workers on strike right now. They are not just striking for better pay and conditions from Verizon; this is...
View ArticleMust-watch short video about TPP
Please take a look at this short video explaining TPP: Burning Issues: Explaining The ‘Revolt’ Against the TPP x YouTube VideoThe 2016 political races are being buffeted by “a transpartisan, nationwide...
View ArticleExposing Trump's Trade Appeal To Working-Class Voters For What It Is
Donald Trump is selling himself as the champion of working-class voters. He says Democrats and their presumptive presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, are selling them out with trade deals. But Trump...
View ArticleTPP In Democratic Party Platform Is A 'Whose Side Are You On?' Moment
x YouTube Video Video: Sen. Elizabeth Warren on why we need to stop the TPP.The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is likely to come up for a vote in the "lame-duck" session of Congress that follows the...
View ArticleEnforce The Democratic Platform, and Good Things Will Happen
Some people say that the Democratic Party doesn't really stand for anything. Sen. Bernie Sanders pushed and pushed as a Democratic presidential candidate, and has achieved results that could change...
View ArticleDid You Know That AARP Is A Paying Member Of ALEC?
Here is a real shocker. AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons) has been a paying member of the notorious right-wing, Koch-tied lobbying organization American Legislative Exchange...
View ArticleThe Latest Lie: "We Are Going To Raise Taxes On The Middle Class"
Another presidential campaign means it's time to bring back the "Latest Lie" series.And here's the latest lie. Campaigning in Nebraska Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton said, "Well, we're not going...
View ArticleProtesters Disrupt Trump Economic Speech Over Outsourcing, Women
When Republican candidate Donald Trump says we should keep jobs in the U.S., he doesn't mean what people think he means. He wants to make the U.S. just as low-wage as elsewhere, to be "competitive."...
View ArticleClinton Should Tell Obama To Withdraw TPP To Save Her Presidency
x YouTube VideoDemocratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says she opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) but is having trouble convincing people to believe her. Imagine the trouble...
View ArticlePresident Tells Congress TPP Is Coming Their Way. What Will Clinton Do?
x YouTube VideoOne day after presidential candidate Hillary Clinton strongly underscored her opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership in a speech in Detroit, President Obama officially started the...
View ArticleTrump Trade Position Is Opposite Of What People Think It Is
One of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's stronger economic appeals to working-class voters is his position on trade. Trump understands that people are upset that "trade" deals have moved...
View ArticleCEO Of Giant Corporation Tells US Government He's The Boss Of Them
Are We the People the boss of giant multinational corporations, or are they the boss of us?Imagine, if you will, going to the IRS and saying, "I don't think the tax rate is fair so I'm not going to pay...
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